
We shall gather here the various slide decks and lecture notes from the speakers, as well as posters.


  • Denis Bernard - Stochastic quantum dynamics in and out of equilibrium (for and by amateurs) [slides]
  • Roberto Bondesan - Introduction to quantum error correction [lecture notes]
  • Reda Chhaibi - Probabilistic and computational aspects of classical optimal transport [scanned notes] and some more detailed [lecture notes] (mix of French / English)
  • Giacomo De Palma - The quantum Wasserstein distance of order 1 [notes] and [slides]


  • Emily Beatty - Order p quantum Wasserstein distances from couplings [slides]
  • Tony Jin - QSSEP statistics in the Anderson model
  • Jan Kochanowski - State of the art thermalization of commuting quantum systems - An introduction and 1D examples
  • Hugo Loio - Measurement-induced phase transitions in Gaussian fermions and matrix product states [slides]
  • Faedi Loulidi - A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks [slides]
  • Anna Szczepanek - Invariant measures for quantum trajectories and dark subspaces [slides]


  • Pierre Botteron - NonLocal Boxes and Communication Complexity [poster]
  • Sofiane Chalal - Quantum Mean-Field Filtering and Control [poster]
  • Jan Kochanowski - Rapid mixing of commuting spin lattice systems [poster]
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